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Nippy Foxie

A member registered Aug 05, 2020

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You're welcome! I also had the most problem with figuring out that route, if it wasn't for the missing gallery image, I wouldn't have even realized there was a better shoichi route than the other two which are a bit more... "tense" :p

You're welcome, I'm glad it helped!

(1 edit)

For third page middle top: You get it if you spend the day with Keisuke on Day 10, there shouldn't be any other condition to get it as far as I know.

                                                            -    S P O I L E R S    -

For fifth page right top: It's on the Shoichi route, you have to pick "I still mean it" and "Ignore your father" on Day 22, "I can't bring myself to stay silent" on Day 24,  "Be firm" and "Keep pushing" on Day 26 and there you have it, just enjoy the rest of the wholesome story :3
Edit: I know this is a day late reply but I hope it's helpful anyway ^^